The Mustang Mall Card is a favorite with students and parents. Order your student’s card now and they will have the freedom to purchase supplies anytime during the year at the Mall.

Conveniently located in the cafeteria, the Mustang Mall is open  during lunch and stocks items including spirit wear, composition books, spiral notebooks, plastic folders, binders, mechanical pencils, highlighters, erasers, pencil sharpeners, pencil cases, locks, index cards, chapstick, hand sanitizer, O. Henry yard signs, seasonal surprises, and more.

The Mall Card is similar to a gift card in that you pre-pay a certain amount and their card is kept on file in the store with a running balance. Purchases are recorded and deducted from the balance.

Questions? Contact Mustang Mall Co- Chairs Jenni Shirk or Jenna Silvers.

You can add to your child’s card anytime using this form. Card balances roll forward as long as your student is at O. Henry Middle School. (Cash is also accepted at the Mustang Mall).

To order online, just complete and submit the form below. You may also download and print a paper version to submit to the office with your check.

Our Mustang Mall Card order form is temporarily offline for routine bookkeeping. Please check back soon if you are interested in ordering a Mustang Mall Card!

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